It’s the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons in the NFL’s big game on Sunday in Houston, Texas
Author: John Crossingham

See Saturn’s rings like never before
These newest photos from the Cassini spacecraft are the best yet of the planet’s trademark featureRead more »

Fossils reveal our earliest ancestor: a bag
The earliest ever ancestor of humans was Saccorhytus coronarius, a (sorta scary looking) 540 million-year-old microscopic bag-like creature

Communities big and small pay tribute to Quebec mosque
Whether it’s Iqaluit or Paris, people all over the world display touching tributes to Sunday’s tragedy

United States immigration ban sparks reaction
The president’s order on Friday leads to protests and criticism, both in the United States and around the world

Harry Potter fest to take over Ontario town
Sadly, the October event in Goderich, Ontario has already sold outRead more »