Niantic, maker of the popular app, challenges its players to use their seeking skills to make the world a little cleaner

Project Planet: Can Earth’s energy go green?

Several recent studies show that our energy can go 100% green. But if that is true, why aren’t we?

Adélie penguin supercolony is super cool

Group of 1.5 million penguins found on the remote Danger Islands near Antarctica after scientists track their droppings

Super blue blood moon arrives Wednesday morning

3-in-1 astronomy combo pack is the Swiss Army knife of moon events — and it hasn’t happened in North America in over 100 years

Ozone hole over the Antarctic is getting smaller

Decades of satellite research proves that 1987 Montreal Protocol is making a difference

Exploring Bisaro Anima, Canada’s deepest cave

Found in British Columbia, the cave is deeper than the CN Tower is tall and features an underground lake