The first-ever non-NASA Mars mission—Exomars—is ready to land on the planet’s surface tomorrow… as long as it doesn’t get blown away first!
Science and Tech

T rex arms not so dangerous

Scientists use cellular scans to confirm what most of us always assumed—Tyrannosaurus rex’s arms were pretty useless

Google Science Fair showcases amazing youth talent

The winners of the 2016 competition are girls and boys from around the world

Four billion year-old rock definitely rocks

One of the world’s oldest known rocks found near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Just printing myself some shoes!

3D printing is starting to change all kinds of things—one day, even the shoes on your feet could be made by a computer

Scottish monster alert!

No, it’s not the Loch Ness Monster, but a newly unveiled ichthyosaur skeleton is exciting all the same