Her team wins the Scotties Tournament of Hearts on Sunday and will represent Canada in China this March

NHL star Vladimir Tarasenko gives a “saintly” birthday gift

St. Louis Blues forward surprises 11 year-old Arianna Dougan with a present that would make any hockey fan jealous

Baseball spring training begins

Players report to their teams for weeks of sunny weather and getting ready for another season of baseball

Super Bowl LI is ready to party

It’s the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons in the NFL’s big game on Sunday in Houston, Texas

Canadian winter sports athletes are near the top

The World Cup circuit medal count shows that Canada trails only Germany in winter sports dominance… though the United States is very close behind

World Juniors hockey semifinals are today

Canada and the U.S.A. both play games for the chance to face each other in the final on ThursdayRead more »