It’s not quite warp speed—and it’s only an idea—but it IS exciting

Do these bones show when humans started riding horses?
A new study of skeletons in Romania is the earliest evidence of something called “horsemanship syndrome”

See a lunar flash as meteor hits the Moon
It is only a brief burst, but it’s a cool snapshot of what’s happening on our nearest neighbour
Science and Tech

See a map of a fruit fly brain!
A team of scientists have used to show the first-ever ‘guide’ to an insect brain

Issue 161 wants to talk about the weather
It’s a future meteorologist’s dream as we dive deep into weird weather

This sauropod had a record-breaking 15-metre-long neck
The miraculous Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum roamed what is now East Asia during the Jurassic period, about 162 million years ago