Long distance runner Reza Baluchi gets caught by U.S. Coast Guard in second attempt at “running” across the ocean to Bermuda

Netflix cracks down on Canucks
The difference between the selection in the American and Canadian versions of streaming service leaves a lot of Canadians upset. But is it really unfair?
Science and Tech

Slo-mo rainbow fun show!
Take a drum, a slow motion camera, and a whole pile of powdered paints, then watch the rainbow!
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RIP Prince: a guide to pop royalty
Understanding one of the biggest pop stars of all time… and how much he influenced nearly everybody you listen to today

Trudeau and other world leaders to sign Paris climate treaty
It’s a happy Earth Day as Canada’s prime minister and over 165 other world leaders meet at the United Nations in New York City

Rug maker finds Roman villa during ping pong prep
Luke Irwin stumbles upon discovery while getting electrical wires installed to outside building