The recent Oscar winner used American Sign Language to communicate with The Count and Rosita

The pumpkin toadlet is maybe cutest, and clumsiest, amphibian ever
This tiny tropical frog is so small it loses its balance midair as it hops

New study shows the importance of buying local produce
‘Food miles’—the carbon emissions from transporting food around the globe—accounts for about six percent of all human-made greenhouse gases

World’s largest freshwater fish caught in Mekong River
This stingray weighs about 300 kilograms and is four metres long

Wimbledon begins and Canadians ready to repeat
Unusual year for the tournament after several top Russian and Belarusian players are banned
Science and Tech

This robot strawberry picker is a 16-armed dynamo
The Harvest CROO Robotics vehicle wants to revolutionize how we pick berries