Satellite to be launched in mid-September will give NASA its most accurate measurement of elevations around the globe
Author: John Crossingham

Ancient foal found preserved in Siberian permafrost
The young animal lived around 30,000 to 40,000 years ago and has its skin, hair, hooves, and tail all intact

Watch Mount Etna during a late night eruption
Even though Etna is one of the world’s largest active volcanoes, millions live peacefully in its shadow

Giant squid washes ashore in New Zealand
Divers get surprised by the body of a rarely-seen, rarely-photographed creature last weekend

Life before the shell—meet an ancient turtle
Eorhynchochelys sinensis is the greatest example yet known of how prehistoric reptiles evolved into turtles

Brooke Henderson wins one for Canada
20 year-old Ontario golfer is the first Canadian to win the CP Women’s Open in 45 years