Check out photos of the International Space Station passing in front of the Sun as the Moon moves in

Prehistoric gliding mammals came from the Jurassic period

Newly discovered fossils show creatures that are similar to modern flying squirrels

When yelling “Shark!” is a good thing

Great white shark sightings off the coast of Nova Scotia are helping us learn more about how to protect this endangered species

Fall in love with Fiona the hippo!

Born six weeks premature in January, this hippopotamus calf at the Cincinnati Zoo is now happy and healthy at six months old

Here comes the sunfish (and it’s alright!)

For the first time in 130 years, scientists discover a brand new species of these giant bony fish: the Mola tecta, or hoodwinker sunfish

Spend your day(s) with Planet Earth

The BBC releases an incredible 40 hours worth of bonus footage from popular documentary, Planet Earth II, each based on a different habitat