2018 AG37, as it is technically known, is a small dwarf planet that takes about 1000 years to orbit the Sun
Science and Tech

Can you survive going into a black hole? Maybe!

In a new article, physicists Leo and Shanshan Rodriguez answer a question from 12-year-old Pulkeet of Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India

Hands-free sneakers are music to your feet!

New hands-free shoes are one more excuse not to go barefoot

Canadian military designing adaptive camouflage and self-repairing clothing

New smart clothing could be the next wave for the country’s soldiers

New process breaks down microplastics in clothing

Using diamonds and titanium, this process could break down plastics that pollute our waters

NASA announces planet in a three-star system

Discovery is another incredible find brought to us by the now-retired Kepler Space Telescope