Batteries in the future could use a seaweed compound called alginate to store power… and even help the environment, too
Science and Tech

Say cheese! Scientists trying to take a picture of black hole

Quest for this elusive image is happening as we speak

Google’s DeepMind AI has one fast thinking machine

Artificial intelligence company has created a “deep learning” machine that can learn almost as fast as a person

This flight over Mars feels just like the real thing

Finnish filmmaker Jan Fjördman spends months stitching together NASA photographs to create ultimate video illusion of a voyage to Mars

Smartypants? Nope, smart jacket!

Levi’s and Google have joined forces on a jacket that will let you answer phone calls with a swipe of your sleeve

Super-Nova Scotia? Spaceport may be coming to fishing village

Maritime Launch Services announces that it has selected an area near Canso, Nova Scotia for a new $148-million spaceport