Turns out that this ‘twisted prism’ is the shape of choice for cells that hold your body together
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NASA names its first ‘commercial’ astronauts
Science and Tech

“Want to get your spacesuit its whitest? They try new Astro-Tide deter—” Wait! Not that type of commercial!

Australia and New Zealand lend U.S. firefighters a hand

Over 180 personnel arrived last weekend to help deal with massive wildfires across the American Northwest

40,000 year-old roundworms just came back to life
Weird Zone

These hardy survivors are giving new meaning to the phrase, “See you ’round!”

BOOK REVIEW: Be Prepared! The Frankie MacDonald Guide

Are you an amateur weather watcher? Frankie has some tips for you!

Hyperloop test pod goes hyperspeed!
Science and Tech

Speed record is set at tech competition to test new transportation method