After decades of experiments, a crucial stage has been passed in the quest for cleaner nuclear energy
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How researchers can use DNA to rebuild the past

A collection of DNA was used to learn about a two-million-year-old landscape in Greenland

Paleo chefs! Study says ancient humans were surprisingly complex cooks

The study says that even 70,000 years ago, early Homo sapiens and Neanderthals were using seasoning to improve the flavour of their food

Canada’s World Cup dream is a reality tomorrow

The Canadians will have to be at their very best to advance against Belgium, Croatia, and Morocco

Want to speak cat? Learn to slow-blink!
Science and Tech

Scientists confirm that we can communicate with kitties by slow-blinking

Presenting the 2022 National Science Reading Day winners!
Science and Tech

We are so thrilled to reveal the winners of this annual contest, which includes prizes for individual students and classrooms