Once again, you, our wonderful readers, came out in droves for this annual contest done in collaboration with our friends at NSERC
Hot topics
U.S. supercomputer breaks the speed limit!
Science and Tech
No, it didn’t drive off in a race car, we’re talking about its computing speed
Haida Gwaii village gets its ancestral name back
Social Issues
What was once called the Village of Queen Charlotte is returning to Daajing Giids
See the first plants grown in Moon dirt
Science and Tech
This experiment used dirt collected by the Apollo missions over 50 years ago
What is a vacuum former?
Science and Tech
We take a look at a piece of home tech that is like a cousin of the 3D printer
Look out! It’s a giant kangaroo!
Nombe nombe has been extinct for around 50,000 years and is not a close relative of modern roos