The bizarre phenomenon comes after airborne sand from the Sahara mixes with snow

Can 3D-printed homes help solve homelessness?
Science and Tech

Non-profit organization New Story has technology to print a home in a day for around US$4000

Earth Hour 2018 is tonight’s can’t miss event!

Annual lights-out hour to raise environmental awareness happens March 24 between 8:30 and 9:30pm

This video of the spring equinox rocks
Science and Tech

Watch as the Sun’s reflection draws a line across Earth’s equator

OK Go have a song to sing about STEM
Science and Tech

Rock band known for their inventive videos teams up with Google to make OK Go Sandbox project for students and teachers

Snow white giraffe will brighten your day
Weird Zone

Kenyan animal has leucism, a condition that causes a partial loss in pigmentation