The dung was so well-preserved that it perfectly captured the animal’s diet … and was still stinky!
Science and Tech

Virtual Canada-Wide Science Fair begins tomorrow
Organizers say this will be the largest online STEM gathering in Canadian history, featuring scavenger hunts, escape rooms, and more for everyone to participate in!

The 2021 Stanley Cup Playoffs have begun!
Though the postseason started on the weekend, the Canadian teams are having their start delayed until mid-week
Science and Tech

Watch a black hole tear a star to bits
What if star meets a black hole? This mesmerizing animation simulates what happens next

Visiting mesophotic coral reefs
These deeper sea corals are special places rarely visited by humans
Social Issues

Five Asian Canadians to know!
For Asian Heritage Month, we’re shining the spotlight on some significant Canadians of Asian descent in sport, science, politics, and the arts