He made a Play-of-the-Year-candidate leap during the Blue Jays’ 6–5 win over St. Louis last night

Watch rare footage of a blue whale feeding
Remarkable blue whale video was shot by a drone flying off the coast of New ZealandRead more »
Science and Tech

Two-for-one galaxies to celebrate Hubble’s 27th birthday
The famous telescope captures an incredible image of NGC 4302 and NGC 4298—a pair of spiral galaxies similar to our own Milky WayRead more »

March for Science comes to Washington
This Earth Day event has been organized to highlight the importance of scientific research

Medic! Ants rescue their wounded during battle
New research shows that this African termite-hunting ant is the only species to help fellow injured ants back to the safety of the nest

THIS DAY IN HISTORY: Michael Jordan’s 63 points
On April 20, Chicago Bulls legend Michael Jordan set an NBA playoff game points record… yet still lost to the Boston Celtics in double overtime