Already known as the world’s best preserved dinosaur, this Alberta fossil has the mummified remains of the animal’s final feeding.
Author: John Crossingham

General KnOWLedge At Home: Why are clouds white?
Our science answer series returns—live from quarantine! And we’re answering your questions!

INTERVIEW: Scott Stewart, Parks Canada rescue worker
Henry, 10, speaks with his uncle Scott about his job working in the northwestern wilds of Canada

The NBA is going to Disney World!
Basketball is coming back, and the coronavirus has sent it to a very unexpected place

Ocean amazes with deepest sighting of dumbo octopus
On World Oceans Day, we take a look at one of billions of reasons our oceans are so important

Moose on the loose stays cool in a pool!
Last week an Ottawa family got a morning surprise when a moose decided to take a backyard swim