But, sadly, really ugly, too. And also, pretty much a rhinoceros.
Author: John Crossingham

“No Canada!”, say NHL playoffs
Hockey playoffs are set to start, but for the first time in 46 years, there are no Canadian teams

Japanese x-ray satellite lost in space
JAXA (Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency) discovers ASTRO-H, or Hitomi, broke apart on March 26th while in orbit

What sound does a lawn mower make? BAAAAA!
Montreal park to test out “lamb mowers” this summer as sheep will be used to trim the grass

Old tires turn into disease-fighting mosquito trap
This Canadian design is a cheap way to combat serious mosquito-carried diseases

What are the panama papers?
Here’s your cheat sheet to the news story that involves soccer star Lionel Messi and cost the Prime Minister of Iceland his job