The computer — known as Frontier — will be as powerful as 160 of the world’s strongest computers
Science and Tech

StarChip takes its first space steps

The prototype ‘wafercraft’ is part of a larger plan to one day send a probe to stars that are light years away

We checked out the 2019 goIT Student Tech Summit

Annual event at the Toronto Reference Library allows over 200 students from Grades K to 12 to show off their STEM app-ilities

“I’m Batsaur!” Meet a Jurassic bat-winged dinosaur

Ambopteryx longibrachium proves that dinosaurs were even more bizarre than you thought!

PHOTO DIARY: We watched a Diplodocus get built!

And if you’re in Kingston, Ontario this Saturday for Science Rendezvous, you can visit Dippy, too!

Strange crab fossil was a bizarre, beautiful blend

The 90-million-year-old Callichimaera perplexa was a one-of-a-kind creature that was the size of a quarter