The National Science Reading Day Contest, sponsored by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, is over and we’ve picked the winners! Read more »
Science and Tech

Mars city is coming to Dubai

Super extravagant United Arab Emirates city to spare no expense bringing Mars to Earth

Tech Overload? What’s the deal with electronic waste?

Newer technology, gadgets thrown away after a year… the e-waste problem just seems to keep growing.

Blue eggs strengthen the dinosaur-bird bond

This is the latest discovery to add evidence to the links between prehistoric reptiles and modern birds

Tech Overload? Let’s talk about technology in the classroom!

OWLconnected spoke to some teachers to get their thoughts on how technology is changing how we learn

Cassini crashes into Saturn on Friday

After 20 years in space, the incredible mission comes to a fiery finish (that we might be able to see!)