Along with streaming shows and music, podcasts have become a really useful way to stay entertained and informed these days. Especially during a lockdown!
Do you have any go-to favourites? Because we'd like to add a brand new one to your list: Youth Science Canada's Why To How: Adventures In STEM!
If you're a budding scientist, inventor, or engineer, this brand new podcast is for you. It aims to take "listeners on a deep dive into the passions that fuel humanity’s pursuit of innovation, creativity and exploration through the personal stories of Canada-Wide Science Fair alumni."
Or in other words, the ways that young people use science to go from asking why to knowing how!
Nice! Sign us up!
Inventor Ann Makosinski speaks
Ann has gone from inventing in her parents' home in Saanich, B.C. to delivering speeches around the world, including here in Berlin in 2019. (Getty Embed)
The first episode is already up on nearly a dozen platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and here on YouTube. Interviews are done by Stuart McKelvie, who handles all of the social media for Youth Science Canada. And his first subject? B.C. inventor and former Canada-Wide Science Fair standout Ann Makosinski.
Ann is really something. We've already written about her on this site back in 2017 when she was an inventor on the rise. And since then, she's moving full speed ahead. She's founded her own company (Makotronics Enterprises), delivered dozens of speeches and presentations at TED Talks and science fairs, and files several patents regarding her inventions. In other words, the 23-year-old is the perfect person to talk about how science fairs and STEM can change a person's life!
Watch a trailer for the new series in the video below and give this new podcast a shot!