The Trent University Sasquatch Society is committed to finding evidence.
The club’s social media manager, Sabrina Marie, told CBC that the club's 140 members call themselves ‘squatchers.’ They explore the forests of Peterborough, Ontario, and have weekly online Q&As with like-minded sasquatch believers and researchers.
Some of the members have special tools that they bring along on their trips. Ryan Willis, the group’s president, likes to bring a Bigfoot noisemaker along in hopes of hearing a growl back in response!
What is a sasquatch?
This is an illustration of what people think a sasquatch might look like. (@cliff.barackman/Instagram)
A sasquatch — also known as Bigfoot — is a big hairy creature that allegedly roams the forests and mountains of North America.
Variations of these giant fuzzy mammals have existed in the oral traditions of many Indigenous Nations. Some believe that these creatures are part of the ape family and travelled from Asia to North America during the Ice Age.
The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization has only ever reported 68 sightings of Bigfoot in Ontario. The organization’s founder, Matt Moneymaker, suggested Willis and the rest of his group may have more luck searching in a more “sasquatchy” place, like British Columbia.
BC has a total of 134 reported sightings — the most in all of Canada.
Is Bigfoot real?
According to National Geographic, there have been thousands of sasquatch sightings in North America. However, none of these sightings come with reliable evidence like clear pictures, bones, or animal poop that could be studied to confirm its existence. Because of this, scientists can't prove that sasquatches are real.
Scientists aren't ruling out the possibility though. Some say that there could be some sort of sasquatch-like creature out there, but we just haven't found it yet.
Not giving up yeti
Well, It doesn't sound like the ‘squatchers’ have any reason to stop searching anytime soon. Willis hopes other schools will start their own sasquatch societies, too.
We can’t wait to see what they find!