Though the postseason started on the weekend, the Canadian teams are having their start delayed until mid-week

Five Asian Canadians to know!
Social Issues

For Asian Heritage Month, we’re shining the spotlight on some significant Canadians of Asian descent in sport, science, politics, and the arts

INTERVIEW: Haolin Li and Jason Teng, student scientists!
Science and Tech

Toronto’s Haolin, 16, and Jason, 14, are both representing Canada at the virtual 2021 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair in two weeks!

Celebrating Asian Heritage Month!
Social Issues

In Canada and the United States, May is a month to recognize the contributions, cultures, and histories of people of Asian descent

AGO’s Portraits of Resilience displays art made during pandemic
Social Issues

The Art Gallery of Ontario has created a virtual gallery to showcase art made by people of all ages—including kids!

It’s Hockey Night In So-Many-Languages!

Tonight the iconic Hockey Night In Canada will have its first-ever Multilingual Edition, featuring seven additional languages