We spill what events we’re looking forward to in our latest issue of the eMag
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Let’s watch the Perseids meteor shower!

The annual meteor shower reaches its peak this evening—and we’ve got you covered on how to watch it

Check out House Block: a ‘Lego’-ish house for real life!
Social Issues

These modular blocks from Automated Architecture Labs in England are designed to be built by everyday people

Can you transform water into metal? In a way, Yes!
Science and Tech

Scientists completed a new experiment that briefly gave a drop of water metallic properties

Marking Canada’s first official Emancipation Day
Social Issues

August 1st will be the first time that this day is officially recognized in Canada, but its history goes back centuries

We reveal the 2021 Science Odyssey Winners!
Science and Tech

Our amazing readers embraced science in this annual contest done in collaboration with our friends at NSERC