Using diamonds and titanium, this process could break down plastics that pollute our waters
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Issue 112 of OWLconnected eMag says Happy New Gear!

Let’s check out the latest issue of our eMag, free to OWL magazine subscribers

Is this titanosaur the biggest dinosaur ever?

The unnamed dino may be even bigger than either Patagotitan or Argentinosaurus

OWL FAQ: America’s Capitol crisis

In a new feature, called OWL FAQ, we answer questions about current events

Concrete 3D-printed house based on a special sequence
Science and Tech

The Fibonacci sequence is a pattern of numbers where each number is based on the sum of the two previous ones

Have an artful New Year’s Eve with the AGO

The Art Gallery of Ontario has put together an all-ages, online disco dance party/craft extravaganza to say goodbye to 2020