Mystery solved behind how baleen whales keep water out of their lungs despite taking in enormous amount of water as they feed

New project turns COVID masks into art!
Social Issues

Currently displayed at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife, NWT, and the Galt Museum and Archives in Lethbridge, Alberta, Breathe features artists from all across the country

Goodnight, Moon! This ISS pic is a bedtime dream

Image was taken on December 6 from onboard the space station

We’re awestruck over new photos of Jupiter’s storms
Science and Tech

New images from the Juno mission reveal the gas giant’s stormy atmosphere

REVIEW: Dawn Of Life exhibit at the ROM

We viewed the Royal Ontario Museum’s newest gallery on opening day, which explores the origin of life on Earth in ways never done before!

New photo of Mars dropped and it’s stunning
Science and Tech

Panoramic image captured by NASA’s Curiosity rover shows off Mars’ vast landscape