Accident happened last Thursday in Oregon after a truck carrying 3,400 kgs (7,500 lbs.) of hagfish tipped over

Prehistoric giant reptile was the T. rex of crocodiles
Science and Tech

New fossils of Razanandrongobe sakalavae are the earliest known members of the notoschuians, a group of crocodile ancestors

Hottest planet in the universe discovered
Science and Tech

KELT-9b is so scorching hot that it is only 1,200°C cooler than the surface our Sun

Say cheese! It’s a Martian photo mystery
Science and Tech

Is it a picture of an impact crater or an area where the surface collapsed?

CONTEST: Wildlife Rescue needs you!
Science and Tech

Brand new exhibit at the Ontario Science Centre and we’re giving away a bat-tastic prize pack

Photographer captures best underwater beaver shot ever!

Louis-Marie Preau patiently waited for hours nightly to finally get the perfect picture