This particular species of plant had been lost for hundreds of years

MOVIE REVIEW: Sonic The Hedgehog
OWLconnected reader Liam reviews the hit video-game flick — and you have one more day to enter our contest to win tickets to see it!
Science and Tech

Could we live in mushROOMS on Mars? Maybe!
‘Myco-architecture’ plans to use fungus to grow structures on other worlds

‘Reaper of Death’ is Canada’s newest tyrannosaur
Thanatotheristes degrootorum is one of the oldest tyrannosaurids ever found
Science and Tech

Bionic jellyfish can swim three times faster than normal
An experiment at Stanford University hopes to one day develop a robot based on jellyfish to explore the oceans
Science and Tech

See the Sun in incredible detail!
These new images are the highest resolution photos ever taken of the Sun