Image was taken on December 6 from onboard the space station
Science and Tech

This solar oven can get hot enough to make steel
The Heliogen startup is aiming to revolutionize how we use solar power—and to try and make fossil fuels a thing of the past

Ancient toilet still has evidence of nasty parasites
The 2,700-year-old toilet was found on an archeological dig of a once wealthy estate in Jerusalem
Social Issues

Hockey Diversity Alliance wants to #TapeOutHate
The new anti-racism campaign is aimed at addressing inequality in hockey

Tracks of time! Tracing the origin of ancient volcano footprints
The Ciampate del Diavolo, or Devil’s Footprints, on the Roccamonfina volcano in Italy date back 350,000 years
Science and Tech

Meet the soft robot suit designed to help people walk!
This exosuit has been made by researchers at Harvard to assist people who have trouble walking