Students discovered how the Azteca alfari ant not only lives inside the Cecropia tree, the insect repairs it when it is damaged

Game changer! Women coming to NHL 22 this month
Announced in early December, an update with women’s teams is due to hit the game any day now!

New ichthyosaur fossil proves their big reputation!
At 17 metres (55 feet) long, these aquatic reptiles evolved into giants very quickly

De Bruin, Appiah are Canada’s big Beijing bobsleigh hopes
Christine de Bruin has an especially big weekend during World Cup event in Latvia with a gold and bronze
Science and Tech

Getting to know the James Webb Space Telescope
NASA’s newest interstellar telescope was launched Christmas Day and will look 13 billion(!) years into the past of the universe

Happy New Year! And Happy New eMag Issue 134!
What are we looking forward to the most in 2022? We tell you in our newest eMag!