“You call that a lot of moons?” gas giant was recently overheard saying to next door neighbour, Saturn
Science and Tech

Can these 3D printed gills turn you into Aquaman?

This invention may not be ready to replace scuba gear, but it could be a peek into our future

Is Stuntronics the future of movie stunts?

Watch a video of the latest in robotics from engineers at Disney

Lending a hand: SpaceX makes delivery to ISS’s Canadarm2

The new Latching End Effector (LEE) is a backup “hand” in case of future problems

INTERVIEW: Canada’s Minister of Science, Kirsty Duncan

We spoke with the politician about Citizen Science Portal and #ScienceAroundMe

2018 Science Odyssey Contest winners are here!

OWL and chickaDEE readers sent in their science projects for a chance to win