In the United States, it is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
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Munching moulds: These fungi can eat plastic

A new study reveals that a pair of backyard fungi can completely break down plastic in 140 days

Meet the new battery on the block!
Science and Tech

This innovation has been designed to power devices that could be used inside the human body

General KnOWLedge: What are fossil fuels?

Oil, natural gas, and coal have changed the world in many ways—but where do they come from?

Issue 163 is investing in the Earth
Social Issues

With Earth Day on the horizon, we’re talking about the planet

JUICE is loose! ESA probe finally on its way to Jupiter’s moons
Science and Tech

The JUpiter ICy moons Explorer was launched April 14 and will reach Callisto, Europa, and Ganymede in 2031