White balloon attacks London! (Just kidding)

Huge inflatable sphere was placed over the busy Oxford Circus intersection to promote the Lumiere London light festival
Lumiere London white balloon Crazy light show this way! (Paop | Dreamstime.com)

In January 2016, a special festival came to London, England: Lumiere London. It was four nights of exceptional light installations perfect for a nighttime wander through the city. ("Installation" is really just a fancy name for a very large piece of art.)

Curious what they looked like? Well...

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Now in 2018, Lumiere London is set to return to the city for the second time. With the fest just around the corner (January 18-21!), organizers are already busy getting everyone excited. It is safe to say that this Friday's surprise installation really caught everyone's attention.

A giant white balloon hovering over the Oxford Circus intersection? Whoa!

That's not unsettling at all...right?

Okay, maybe not "hovering" — instead, the white balloon was attached to cables and suspended over the intersection. Good idea.

Oxford Circus is a very busy part of the city, and, for a while, the giant balloon had people intrigued and mystified. Exactly what you want from an early promotion art installation!


It seems that after a few hours of high winds, the balloon threatened to get loose and cause havoc. So the fire department stepped in to take it down...just in time for rush hour.


Still, we're sure that it all will be forgiven by the time Lumiere London officially gets underway. It looks amazing! We wish we could be there to see it for ourselves!

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