Orange snow puts on a show on Russian slopes

The bizarre phenomenon comes after airborne sand from the Sahara mixes with snow
orange snow We didn't say "orange ON THE snow", photo department! We said, "ORANGE SNOW"! Ah, just check out the story... (Judita Juknele |

Snow is white, right? If you live in Canada, you've just spent around four to six months being reminded of that fact (sometimes the hard way).

Okay, but if that is true, then how do you explain ... THIS!

No, that isn't the effect of some brand new Instagram filter called "Creamsicle". It's exactly what you think it is: mountains of orange snow. The mountains in question have been found in Eastern Europe, including in Romania and Russia.

So...what is going on?!

Orange you glad there's an explanation?

We sure are. It's not every day your entire world view gets turned upside down!

The orange tint to this snow is caused by sand—lots of it—from the Saharan desert. So how did sand from across the Mediterranean Sea and on a completely different continent find its way onto Russian ski slopes?

Meteorologists say this phenomenon can happen every five years or so. During especially powerful sandstorms, billions-upon-billions of tiny sand particles get whisked high up into the atmosphere. Then when it rains or snows, the sand comes down with the precipitation. Et, voila. Orange snow! In addition, the sky is also tinted a rusty hue.


A post shared by Alina Smurygina (@sinyaya_ptiza) on

It looks so alien, no? But it just goes to show that even after thousands of years, Earth is never short on surprises for humans! Take a trip down these bizarro slopes for yourself in this video.

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