The bald cypress tree grows in the Three Sisters Swamp and is an incredible 2,624 years old
Science and Tech

We checked out the 2019 goIT Student Tech Summit
Annual event at the Toronto Reference Library allows over 200 students from Grades K to 12 to show off their STEM app-ilities
Science and Tech

“I’m Batsaur!” Meet a Jurassic bat-winged dinosaur
Ambopteryx longibrachium proves that dinosaurs were even more bizarre than you thought!

BOOK REVIEW and CONTEST: The Math Kids: The Prime-Time Burglars
OWL reader Imre goes on a mathematical adventure
Science and Tech

PHOTO DIARY: We watched a Diplodocus get built!
And if you’re in Kingston, Ontario this Saturday for Science Rendezvous, you can visit Dippy, too!