The computer giant unveils 70 new emojis that will be available as a free download later this year

INTERVIEW: Second City camp improv instructor Spencer Litzinger

We talk with the YTV host about nerves, comedy, the awesomeness of working with kids at Second City, and, of course … bricks vs. prune juice?

MOVIE REVIEW: Ant-Man and the Wasp

The sequel to 2015’s Ant-Man is funny, fast-paced, and full of quantum science (sort of … )

MOVIE REVIEW: Incredibles 2

Our favourite superhero family is back, and this time, mom’s in charge

CONTEST: A Wrinkle In Time super-mega giveaway!

Attention fans of science-fiction classics! Have we got a prize pack for you…

MOVIE REVIEW: Solo: A Star Wars Story

The second standalone film in the Star Wars universe overcomes obstacles to deliver super fun heist-in-space