Professor at Princeton University, who has explored mysteries of the universe for two decades, shared the win with two others
Science and Tech

T. rex jaws were the champs of chomp

This prehistoric predator could crush a car… and come back for more!

45 Canadian students are in Abu Dhabi for ESI 2019

Finalists from the 2018 and 2019 Canada-Wide Science Fairs are taking the trip of their lives

Let’s all appreciate the beauty of Saturn!

Even in a solar system as full of wonder as ours, the Hubble telescope proves that Saturn really stands out

Thirsty? Scientists find potentially habitable water planet

Of course, K2-18b is 111 light years away—so on second thought, better get your drink here on Earth!

Study shows that breeding has changed dogs’ brains

It’s not just the bodies of these animals that have been tweaked by breeding — it’s their minds