Four students from West Humber CI in Toronto designed their vaccination-tracking app for goIT program
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MOVIE REVIEW: Solo: A Star Wars Story

The second standalone film in the Star Wars universe overcomes obstacles to deliver super fun heist-in-space

Sydney man retires his ‘golden arm’

After 62 years and 1173 donations, James Harrison has given his rare blood for the last time

The largest black hole in the universe has one bright quasar
Science and Tech

Thankfully, this rampaging beast is a solid 12 billion light years away from us!

Costa Rica aims to be fossil fuel-free by 2021

Even though experts agree that reaching the goal is a challenge, country has a strong head start in its quest to be green

Stephen Hawking says a final goodbye to the universe(s?)
Science and Tech

The last paper by the famous physicist has been published, following his death this past March