Is our planet really one-of-a-kind? We take a look at the things that might make that true.
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Project Planet: Can we stop the ice caps from melting?

We often hear that melting polar ice is affecting sea levels around the world. Is there a way to turn the tide? We ask polar scientist Jill Rajewicz about this problem and how we can help.

Pokémon GO-es green for Earth Day

Niantic, maker of the popular app, challenges its players to use their seeking skills to make the world a little cleaner

Project Planet: Can Earth’s energy go green?

Several recent studies show that our energy can go 100% green. But if that is true, why aren’t we?

Earth Hour 2018 is tonight’s can’t miss event!

Annual lights-out hour to raise environmental awareness happens March 24 between 8:30 and 9:30pm

March For Our Lives to happen this Saturday

March 24 student march against gun violence could be one of the biggest public protests in American history