We’re leaning in to 2022 with appreciation for our awesome readers, as well as some cool tech news
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Chinese lunar lander locates water on the Moon
Science and Tech
This is the first ever on-site finding of water there, but it’s not exactly what you’re imagining
Exploring the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States
This robot is a weed killer!
Science and Tech
The devices from Carbon Robotics are seen as a possible solution to pesticides
This solar oven can get hot enough to make steel
Science and Tech
The Heliogen startup is aiming to revolutionize how we use solar power—and to try and make fossil fuels a thing of the past
Ancient toilet still has evidence of nasty parasites
The 2,700-year-old toilet was found on an archeological dig of a once wealthy estate in Jerusalem