The new anti-racism campaign is aimed at addressing inequality in hockey
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Tracks of time! Tracing the origin of ancient volcano footprints

The Ciampate del Diavolo, or Devil’s Footprints, on the Roccamonfina volcano in Italy date back 350,000 years

Meet the soft robot suit designed to help people walk!
Science and Tech

This exosuit has been made by researchers at Harvard to assist people who have trouble walking

Ant tree repair team on site!

Students discovered how the Azteca alfari ant not only lives inside the Cecropia tree, the insect repairs it when it is damaged

New ichthyosaur fossil proves their big reputation!

At 17 metres (55 feet) long, these aquatic reptiles evolved into giants very quickly

De Bruin, Appiah are Canada’s big Beijing bobsleigh hopes

Christine de Bruin has an especially big weekend during World Cup event in Latvia with a gold and bronze