Finnish filmmaker Jan Fjördman spends months stitching together NASA photographs to create ultimate video illusion of a voyage to Mars

Olly is a speedy Jack Russell with zero quit
Weird Zone

Watch this adorable dog fail an agility course in the best way possible

Smartypants? Nope, smart jacket!
Science and Tech

Levi’s and Google have joined forces on a jacket that will let you answer phone calls with a swipe of your sleeve

Ice house is really nice…to look at!
Weird Zone

Incredible photos of the frozen home on the shore of Lake Ontario go viral

Chris Bertish makes history with paddleboard Atlantic crossing
Weird Zone

South African surfer spent 93 days making the 6,518 kilometre (4,050 mile) journey

Women of NASA become LEGO figures
Science and Tech

The new set is a tribute to women who have changed America’s space program