See the LEGO wheelchair built for a turtle

Plus dogs and bunnies that also get a new set of wheels!
lego wheelchair turtle Let's roll! (Maryland Zoo)

The wheelchair has been around for a long time. One of the earliest known instances was in 1595, when a portable throne on wheels was designed for Spanish king Philip II.

Since then, wheelchairs have become more and more common (not to mention easier to get around in—Philip's throne wasn't exactly super-maneuverable!). And they've also become useful to species other than humans. Whether partially paralyzed or suffering from broken limbs, vets are using wheelchairs to allow disabled animals to get around.

And now, someone has combined this act of animal charity with one of everyone's favourite hobbies: LEGO!

Build your own wheelchair!

When an Eastern box turtle arrived at the Maryland Zoo with a fractured shell, vets knew they could help heal the shell. But they weren't sure how the animal would be able to get around during the many months it needed to heal. Enter the LEGO wheelchair.

The vets worked with an enthusiast of the Danish building blocks to create the world's first LEGO wheelchair! How does it work? Watch this video to find out. (And then stick around for the tales of dogs and bunnies with their own non-LEGO wheels.)

Go injured animals, go!

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 :-)  ;-)  :-D  :-(  :-P  :-o  :-x  :-|  :-?  8-)  8-O  :cry:  :lol:  :roll:  :idea:  :!:  :?:  :oops:

  1. Wow! It’s so nice that people take time to make wheelchairs for hurt animals!
    Hopefully they will get to help even more animals.

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