Floor hockey can be one super fun sport. And it's easy to get going, too. Just grab some sticks, a couple nets, a ball, and head to the gym. Whoo! We could play for hours! All day long even!
Uh... two days? Hold on, how long do you want us to play for?
Sixty hours?!
Okay, we might have to pass.
We are floored!
Well, even if the staff at OWLconnected wasn't prepared to go to such lengths, a group of dedicated athletes in Regina, Saskatchewan, were. That's why they're now the official Guinness World Record holders of Longest Game of Floor Hockey. The official time?
62 hours and two minutes.
"Hey! That's my side of the gym mat!" Players relax in between shifts. (Courtesy of William Desaulniers/CBC)
Game organizer Lucas Frison put out the call for hockey-loving volunteers last summer. The game was played over three days that July (29 to 31). The record-setting news is only being announced now because it takes time for Guinness to confirm everything and make it official (they're in charge of quite a few records over there).
The 24 total players were unable to leave the gym during the match and rested on large gym mats in between shifts. Shifts during the day lasted an hour—and four hours at night!
"Even halfway through, when we were at about the 30-hour mark, you know, some of my friends were like 'I almost never want to see a hockey stick again,'" Frison told the CBC.
But if it was easy to do, it wouldn't be much of a record, now would it?
Let's make a movie
Making this movie took "Talent" and a lot of patience. (Courtesy of Prairie Cat Productions/Facebook)
Of course, that isn't the only twist in this story. In order to qualify for the record, the entire 60-plus hours of hockey had to be filmed. (And then watched in its entirety by someone at Guinness!)
But Frison had even bigger plans for this footage. He is also the director, producer, and co-writer behind Talent, a new film about a fictional high school-senior named Kaylee Stevens who—you guessed it—wants to organize the world's longest game of floor hockey!
The comedy is expected to be released by the end of the year, and last summer's game will appear in it. Listen to another of the film's producers, Elise Beaudry Ferland, talk about the attempt as it was happening last summer.
Wow! 😯
I certainly wouldn’t want to do that and I love hockey!
But seriously, that must be really boring and tiring!
So cool 😎
i want to shoot basketball to break the world record. i like to go fast skiing. I want to be the skier at the highest elevation. I like to play the longest bowling game ever. I want to do the longest bike ride ever – and not hurt at the end! I would like the longest badminton rally without dropping the birdie.