Welcome to the weekend! We have something that will help you get into a groove for the next couple days.
Dancing robots!
The robots come from leading tech company Boston Dynamics. We've talked about them before, and they are most famous for Spot, their robot dog. In fact, Spot danced solo to "Uptown Funk" and we shared that with you. But now? The robot gang is really all here!
Do You Love Them?
In this video, two of the company's humanoid Atlas bots dance, along with a Spot bot, and the new big-bird-on-wheels robot named Handle. Together, they tackle The Contours' famous hit from 1962, "Do You Love Me?" And you know what? They do a pretty incredible job of shaking it to the beat!
Watch these dancing robots below. Then learn the moves and dance along!
That is so cool ?
ITS SO FUNNY I LOVE KEEP DOING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
It’s so funny ?.
I am a spy
um wow those robots are good at dancing!!
So funny!!!
How is that even real? ?
They dance better than me.
They are better than me at dancing
I love this video. its kind of creepy that robots can dance so much like humans. but also cool. I love owl