Today is Canada Day, a day honouring July 1, 1867—the moment when our country ceased to be a British colony and became its own nation. (Though as we posted before, judging the exact age of Canada is a lot more complex than that!)
This day is a time for celebrating the peaceful and diverse country Canada has become. But it is also a time for reflecting. Reflecting on the lands that Canada is built upon, and on calls to improve how Canadian society cares for all of its citizens.
It's a tricky balance, but it's one that we're here to help you find. Let's have a look at what you can do today!
Free eBook for you
As a part of our Canada Day celebrations, we're giving you access to this eBook of an Indigenous story. (Courtesy of Canoe Kids)
First off, we hope that you all get the chance to spend the day with your family and—if social distancing measures in your area permit it—some of your friends, too. Eating food and playing games outdoors is what a summer holiday is all about!
But when you find a quiet moment, we have a wonderful—and free—eBook for you to read from our friends at Canoe Kids. It is an Indigenous teaching from the Dakelh, or Carrier, Peoples of Central British Columbia. It is called The Eagle Feather Story, and you can read or download your copy of it right here.
As the first peoples to live on this land, it is important to spend part of Canada Day with stories from Indigenous nations like the Dakelh!
Canada Day nightlife
Though celebrations will be a different this year, there will still be plenty of music on hand for you to enjoy. (Getty Embed)
With the daytime covered, we can move on to the evening! This is when the government of Canada is sponsoring a couple events to help you to celebrate.
At night, there will be a virtual fireworks display that sounds pretty wild. This augmented reality feature will start at 10:00 p.m. local time wherever you are—it's a little late, but it's a special day! To watch it, all you have to do is point your smartphone or tablet at the night sky. Neat! Get all of the instructions here.
Another event is a two-hour concert called Canada Day Together. Hosted by Serena Ryder and Pierre Yves-Lord, this show runs from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. local time in all time zones (except 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in Nfld). It is also streamable from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. EST on YouTube and CBC Gem. Artists include Charlotte Cardin, Loud, Alanis Morrissette, Haviah Mighty, and a lot more. Turn it up!
Whatever you do this Canada Day, we hope that the day is one of peace and family. Canada is a pretty amazing country. And thanks to people like you—yes, you—its future looks even brighter!