Are you used to the idea of a new Star Wars film every year? Whether you are or not, hot on the heels of 2016's Rogue One comesΒ Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. This Monday brought us a new trailer for the film, and woooo!'s got a lot of stuff to digest.
For one, Luke gets to say some actual lines in the trailer. But it's clear that things have not all been rosy for the 1983 "Jedi Of The Year" title holder.
And that weird evil guy, Supreme Leader Snoke? We finally get to see him in the flesh, too (he may have been a little more attractive as a hologram, just saying.)
Meanwhile, Finn and Poe are back fighting the First Order, Captain Phasma looks like she found a way out of the Starkiller Base trash compactor before the planet went ka-blooie, and Rey and Kylo Ren are moving closer and closer to a rematch...though it might not be in the way you'd think.
Oh, and also, there's this cutie!
Oh yes, how could we forget?
We don't know what this cutie is, but we want one. (Screenshot courtesy of Lucasfilm/Disney)
Check out the trailer for yourself below. Only two more months to wait!
i am so exited!!!! π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π it looks really cool
I want to see Star Wars VIII. I like shoot in outer space. Sure I am ship. I like monkey. I like the music. Is there a romance between Jen and Kylo Ren? I think there is something sinister coming!
OMG I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! But can I just say…..Kylo Ren is a rage monster! In this trailer, he smashes the wall, and in the The Force Awakens he has a temper tantrum and starts destroying a room with his lightsaber. The 2 Stormtroopers walking past then turn around and head the other way to not walk past him. Lol, that has got to be one of my favourite scenes!
And R.I.P. Carrie Fisher! You were awesome as Princess Leia! (did u know she was 19 when she started playing Leia??)
So close… Yet still so far. And what’s up with Rey & Kylo? Can’t wait 2 find out!
This is awsome??????????????