Book Review: A Leopard Diary

OWLconnected reader Reggie reviews A Leopard Diary, a book that takes readers on an extraordinary journey into a rarely seen world ... and we are giving away two copies!
Today we have a book review and a book giveaway!

Do you love leopards? Do you love photos? Do you love photos of leopards with lots of cool facts? Then you might be interested in A Leopard Diary: My Journey into the Hidden World of a Mother and Her Cubs by Suzi Eszterhas!

We sent a copy of this book to OWLconnected reader Reggie. Check out his review and then enter to win a copy of your own!

Reggie's Book Review

This book is about a wildlife photographer named Suzi Eszterhas who gets a chance to take pictures of a leopard mom and her two cubs. She travels to Jao Reserve in Botswana. This is a safe area where animals are protected from hunters.

I loved this book! The baby leopards are so cute. You get to see a lot of photos where they play with each other by jumping and wrestling. They even jump on their mom’s head!

In the book you get to see them grow up and get bigger. They learn to hunt and take care of themselves.

Here are some interesting things I learned about leopards:

  1. Leopard moms move their newborns every few days to keep them safe.
  2. Baby leopards are born with blue eyes, but they turn green after a few months.
  3. When leopards are scared, they hiss or growl.
  4. Leopards spend a LOT of time in trees.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes animals!


A beautiful spread from Suzi's book about her experience photographing leopards at a Botswana reserve.

Get to know world-travelling author and photographer Suzi Eszterhas

Thanks for the review, Reggie!

Now we want to tell you a bit about Suzi. She's one of the coolest photographers out there. Not only does she photograph wildlife with lots of love and care, she also donates a portion of her royalties (the money she makes from the book) to important organizations! For this book, she'll be donating to Children in the Wilderness, a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable conservation through the education and leadership development of rural children who live close to African reserves.

Contest time!

We're giving readers an opportunity to win 1 of 2 copies of A Leopard Diary: My Journey into the Hidden World of a Mother and Her Cubs. For a chance to win, just comment below with your name and answer the following question:

What do leopards eat?

Good luck!

Contest is open to residents of Canada only. Prizes courtesy of Owlkids Books.  Contest closes on December 8, 2022 at 11:59 EST. Winner will be randomly chosen. Full contest rules and regulations can be seen here.


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  1. Well, leopards eat a lot of stuff like baboons, hares, rodents, birds, lizards, porcupines, warthogs, fish, dung beetles , etc. Looks like a great book. Thanks for offering it!

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