If you're anything like us, you can't go a day or two without having a good book by your side. And if it's not a book, then it's a board game. Or a puzzle...
Basically, we just love anything that can stoke our imaginations, push our creativity, challenge our wits, or just offer up some silly fun. That's why we LOVE this Canadian subscription box service, OwlCrate Jr.! Their boxes include a hardcover novel (along with an exclusive letter and signed bookplate from its author!), a cool activity or game, and an assortment of fun items — all of them related to a theme of the month. Where do I sign up, right??
Well, you can sign up right here. Or, you can enter our contest below... because we're giving away one six-month subscription! Woot!
This contest is now closed
Contest time!
"Six months? I want OWL of those books and games!" (Getty Embed)
To be the lucky reader of OWLconnected to win this awesome subscription to OwlCrate Jr., just comment below with your answer to the following question:
How do you like to chill after school?
Good luck!
Contest is open to residents of Canada only. Prize courtesy of OwlCrate Jr. Contest closes on Friday, October 4th at 11:59PM EST. Winner will be randomly chosen. Full contest rules and regulations can be seen here.
Note: Owlkids is not affiliated with OwlCrate Jr. or its creators.
I like to go outside and play on my zipline
😎 Hanging out with my friends, and going for a swim to relax my brain 😎
We like to have a light snack,And get homework done before dinner.so we can play games and do some reading at bed time,
Play outside!
Reading a new favourite book.
I like to chill after school by making some doll crafts and reading 🙂
Play, play, eat, then play some more!
My favourite thing to do is nap!
Do my homework first(well maybe) and then go for a bike ride.
I like to curl up with a snack and a good book!
I like to come home and have a cup of hot chocolate and read by my window. 😀
🙂 I chill after school by watching TV but before that I have cross country. I also have to figure out the chapters to read for the book club I run. I have a pretty chill after noon.
Love to write stories
I have to “chill on my bus” as I ride home for about 40 minutes. Usually I read my favorite book to pass the time ans have a little snack. -Elody, age 12
Reading a book together, playing a board game, or doing puzzles!
Chill, play games, and read!
Play with my dog or birds.
I like to Read and play games.
I like to go the rink and figure skate.
I like to sit on the sofa and read!
I really like to get home and work outside in the garden when the weather is nice. If it isn’t, then maybe I’ll try to get some other kind of exercise. Or maybe I’ll curl up with a book. 🙂
When I come home I like to hang out with my family or read while eating a snack then we eat supper. After I will do my homework (if I have some) Then bake or watch a movie or go to one of my clubs then prepare for school, hang out with my family some more than go to bed. 😀 🙂
I like reading as many books as I can every day.
For me, I like to write short stories and sing.
I like to chill after school by sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading all the fun stories my students have written that day. They are a creative bunch with avid imaginations and their stories always make me smile 🙂
After school, I like to relax on my bed and read a good book. 😎 😎
i mostly chill by doing my screentime.
Ps. is it just novels or all kinds of books every month?
After school, I finish my homework then play basketball or read.
Reading my favourite novel and do some math puzzles.
I like to play chess.
I love to read series of unfortunate events every single day and watch the tv show on Netflix . and I love to sit in my hammock and read books outside 😀 😎
I get a snack and do some reading with friends!
I like to chill after school by getting a snack and watching one of my favourite tv shows.
I either go on a hike or add to my tree fort or play tag in the forest. 😎 😎 😎 😆 😆 😆 😛 😛 😛
I love to bake confections for my family. 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😀 😀 😀 😀
I like to chill by getting a snack (or two) and going on my iPad?
I love to sit down and binge read Harry Potter books 😀 😀 😉
With a snack
I love reading books and playing games but i also like receiving chickadee magazines every month